My First Impression of the Dark Knight. Don't read this one!

Monday, November 30, 2009

The Dark Knight (2008)
Christian Bale, Maggie Gyllanhaal, Aaron Eckhart, Heath Leadger
Warner Brothers

What, exactly, made this movie so dang exciting? Do people just like watching things explode or something? Because I honestly don’t understand what made The Dark Knightany better than any other super hero movie that has ever come out.
For example, in what way is The Dark Knight better then Iron Man, which had a better cast, or Spider-man 2, which had a much more interesting story? The Dark Knight failed to impress me at all. Batman (Bale) and his ex, Rachel (Gyllanhaal), were completely boring. Actually, to tell the truth, I don’t even remember Batman in the movie. I just remembered Bruce Wayne, who had no personality. The Joker (Leadger), who we’re supposed to be so afraid of, doesn’t even have a reputation. No one knows who he is. No one really seemed to be trying anything to stop him. The only quasi-interesting character was Harvey Dent (Eckhart), a lawyer running for election.
I understand that Gotham is undergoing dark times or something, but you would figure that would be metaphorical, not literal. Was it ever day time in this movie? The cinematography was lacking completely. And where was the musical score? Was the composer asleep? I found the lack of sound completely distracting. I don’t recall there being any plot whatsoever. If there was one, then it must not have been very good. There are also three great actors – Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, and Gary Oldman – standing on the sidelines with nothing very interesting to do. The only purpose Gary Oldman serves is to die.
After having seen Slumdog Millionaire this year, I wasn’t exactly expecting to fall head over heels for this film, but I also was expecting something more than this. But then again, this was just my first impression of the movie. In the future, when I will inevitably see it on HBO, I hope that my thoughts will improve. Otherwise…what a waste of talent.